With each new generation of cerebral wastelanders that flourish on historical revisionism, these breeders of hate pose renewed challenges to the stability of western democracies.
Great article that adds to your readers understanding of how we keep arriving at the same human quagmire.
Pat, seriously, you should write a book. Or two. I could not be more serious. You are a fantastic writer, and you have a desperately important message. Also you owe it to yourself( as well as the rest of us. ). Ca-maaan.
Yes, our young, who materially, seem to have everything, actually have very little. As adults we should be forgiving and tolerant for we were all young once and made stupid decisions. However, calling for the mass extinction of a race of people is way beyond stupid . They are dangerous and appear to be so easily manipulated, offering themselves as absolute fodder for the Islamic playbook.
Pat, I think your point on the most priveleged being infected with this rabid antisemitism and "Pro-Palestinianism" is bang on. It is also true for other kinds of woke activism. It seema to ve generally a disease of today's post-national states. I thougnt it was just Canada or the US, i.e. countries built on immigration, but seems to also be true dor Europe. I get the points about Qatari money and all the stuff about infiltration of western campuses and media, but it cannot happen by itself - without ourselves willing aiding and abetting this process. And why do we allow this to happen? Do we have no othwr things to worry about in our lives? Do we so badly need a scapegoat for all our troubles? Are our lives are so good and we are so bored that we need to find causes to campaign for?
Your posts should be required reading for the hate-Israel crowd. They are fantastic. Thank you for being a consistent ally!
Probably the best, most explicit explanation of the craziness we are experiencing today. Brilliant essay.
I agree. I follow Pat's work closely and this is one of his finest.
Outstanding, Pat. A clear & edifying summation. Thank you!
With each new generation of cerebral wastelanders that flourish on historical revisionism, these breeders of hate pose renewed challenges to the stability of western democracies.
Great article that adds to your readers understanding of how we keep arriving at the same human quagmire.
Pat, seriously, you should write a book. Or two. I could not be more serious. You are a fantastic writer, and you have a desperately important message. Also you owe it to yourself( as well as the rest of us. ). Ca-maaan.
Hahahaha. Thanks. I think I will!
I second this suggestion!
Thanks pat. Nailed it again. Happy new year
Thank you, Pat. Incisive and heartening. I appreciate your clarity.
Yes, our young, who materially, seem to have everything, actually have very little. As adults we should be forgiving and tolerant for we were all young once and made stupid decisions. However, calling for the mass extinction of a race of people is way beyond stupid . They are dangerous and appear to be so easily manipulated, offering themselves as absolute fodder for the Islamic playbook.
Pat, I think your point on the most priveleged being infected with this rabid antisemitism and "Pro-Palestinianism" is bang on. It is also true for other kinds of woke activism. It seema to ve generally a disease of today's post-national states. I thougnt it was just Canada or the US, i.e. countries built on immigration, but seems to also be true dor Europe. I get the points about Qatari money and all the stuff about infiltration of western campuses and media, but it cannot happen by itself - without ourselves willing aiding and abetting this process. And why do we allow this to happen? Do we have no othwr things to worry about in our lives? Do we so badly need a scapegoat for all our troubles? Are our lives are so good and we are so bored that we need to find causes to campaign for?
Thank you, so well written and dissected!
So perfectly articulated! Thank you.
Pat I read variations on these theme daily. Yours is a grand slam on a 3 and 2 against the best closer!
Nailed it, again.
They’ve got a social disease! Take them to a social worker!
My father is a bastard
My ma's an S.O.B.
My grandpa's always plastered
My grandma pushes tea
My sister wears a mustache
My brother wears a dress
Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess!
[A-RAB (as Psychiatrist)]
Officer Krupke, you're really a slob
This boy don't need a doctor, just a good honest job
Society's played him a terrible trick
Und zociologically he's sick!
I am sick!
We are sick, we are sick
We are sick, sick, sick
Like we're sociologically sick!
[A-RAB, spoken]
In my opinion, this child don't need to have his head shrunk at all. Juvenile delinquency is purely a social disease.
[ACTION, spoken]
Hey, I got a social disease!
[A-RAB, spoken]
So take him to a social worker!