Ive said this here before and I'll repeat it. Western leftists care about one thing. Opposing their own civilization. Anyone that stands against the West they support. Anyone who stands FOR Western Civilization they detest. This is why they hate Israel and support Iran, Hamas and every other bad actor on earth. They couldn't care LESS that individuals in non Western countries are dying by the millions if these deaths cannot be blamed on the West. 1 death they attribute to Israel matters to them. A million dead in a famine caused by anti-American psychopaths? They couldn't care less.

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Someone had to say it! You stated it well! Thank you.

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All great "pernts" (I write in the vernacular ;-) but ya miss the one thing they always come back with--they'll say "yes but THOSE other nations" (wuther their traumas an' body counts are internally or externally derived) are "legitimate" an' of course --ugh-- they believe Israel ain't. (they wanna kill the "bastard" child of the joos it seems) SO... If they do not accept Israel as a nation (which they don't)--Israel is just a blood-thirsty tribe of genocidal zealots wantin' to KILL their hated "nice neighbors." I cannot CANNOT argue with these pee-pull--I have TRIED tho!--an' (sad ta say) many are joos--they just don't see it... hippy-critz all.

Small quibble with yer own quibble with Niemoller tho'--so IMHO--yes, folks are selfish an' he tries to appeal to human self-preservation even though--I believe--his own reason were far loftier. An' frankly it IS true--if Israel falls I've no doubt we MIGHT become like Dearborn or Hamtrammyck MI or like some of the cities in YourUp--whose time is literally up! They got muslim-prayers in the streets an' all the laydeez hijabbered up so if Iran & Sharia law takes over--YES, all the rest of the infidels are fu*ked... pardon my French (which will not longer be the language of France if we keep goin' like this). So there won't be anyone left ta save their kinds. An' ya know what--if ya put da jooish "anti-zionists" (or pro-hammasian joos) in that equation--it's even uglier an' more true than ever!

Human beans seem ta be perpetually self-destructive an' blind as bats so the good Pastor likely had such a clearer vision (unflatterin'? sure)... I'm grateful he at least said sumthin' & did something while the rest went about their bizness. An' ultimately there were consequences--some just didn't see them immediately--we are now LIVIN' with those consequences today (I fear...) the scapegoat ideology is still one've 'em...

Lotta good pernts tho! If ONLY more folks "got" this!

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FGM should be enough to eradicate these Stone Age barbarians from any any civilization.

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Look at what’s going on in Sudan https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/18/opinion/darfur-sudan-famine.html

Where are the protests on college campuses?

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