I definitely found Nirenberg's book an eye-opener, if a bit intellectually overwhelming at time of reading. I'd recommend it to anyone, but would suggest Dave Rich's "Everyday Hate" to be read first, especially if like me you're not Jewish & are new to some of Nirenberg's arguments & evidence.

From a rather different angle, Paul Berman's "Terror And Liberalism" also deals well with these issues.

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Thanks, I will find that one.

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Pat, thank you for another thoughtful and insightful piece. I love the TM :)

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Antisemitism is the history of the world.

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For antisemitism as the defining characteristic of the monotheistic civilization, see Liah Greenfeld's interview here https://liahgreenfeld.com/2024/10/28/faculti-interview-a-new-explanation-of-antisemitism/

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Another salient essay. I've been wanting to read Nirenberg's book, glad you talked about it.

Re the post below, the God of the Israelites is not the same as the God of the Christians or of the Muslims. All different, and it takes something triple-vision to hold them all in view at once.

Antisemitism Culture is a great term. Did you really trademark it?Hopefully you did.

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Haha. No, I didn’t actuallt TM it. ….

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A hatred of Judaism is a hatred of the God of the Israelites.

Whenever I hear Muslims saying what they say about their God, I hear a crude attempt to replace the God of the Israelites with a wannabe.

And I'm not even Jewish.

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Actually, it’s totally official. The phenomenon is supersessionism. It’s a cornerstone of both Christianity and Islam.

The former, Christianity, claims to wholly supersede Judaism including its God i.e. Yahweh, and then also claim infallibly that the Jews killed Him, i.e. Jesus.

The latter, Islam, then claims to supersede both Judaism and Christianity. Kinda super-supersessionism.

Both of the latter faiths pretty well regard Jews as a blight on the firmament, a perpetual impediment as long as they exist (worse still with obstinate notions of their own State with Jerusalem as its capital) to the Redemption of Humanity.

Hence much conflict, many wars and Crusades, much jihad, and lots of Christian and Muslim genocides of the Jews.


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How/why/from where is "Antisemitism Culture" a trademark??

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It's kind of a joke, Peter. It's not really TM'd.

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I found myself today on the comment section of Celia Farber’s newsletter. I used to occasionally read her investigative pieces as I appreciated her critical stance on Big Pharma. Then she slowly lost the plot it seems. Today she featured an interview by no one else than Candace Owens on some supposed False Flag involving the USS Liberty. I don’t know much about the Liberty, so I will need to read up on it. What stunned me was the hate fest happening in the comments. And CF actively engaging with it. I have now blocked her from my newsfeed. As I did with James Corbett, Catherine Austin Fitts et al - all people that have done great investigative work outside the mainstream but cannot help themselves when it comes to Jews and Israel. I will post a selection of them in my notes shortly.

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interestin' take--I think there's much to it an' the biggest obstacle would be that such a bias cannot be recognized as part 'n parcel of "western civil-LIE-say-shun"--which is (in part) held together as counterpoint to da joos... AND as ya say, is easily dismissed (diss-missed too) by simply sayin' da chews are paranoid, imagine antisemitism when it's non-existent, git all hyper sensitive/defensive/worried/alarmed & of course cry wolf (when there ain't a threat) an' crocodile tears (over molehills they make inta mountains). That IS a problem... as then it's easy ta discount very real concerns from very real Cassandras... The other BIG issue (imho) is that we chews EMBRACE Western Civilization--which is embracin' the "culture" & ideology that has joo-hate baked in it as an ingredient. We wanna play an active part in it (fer the most part)... we dare discuss the Western literary canon, dare perform Mozart, dare embroil ourselfs in a world that exists--the developed cohesion--in opposition to our very existence... which is kind've an existential question then.... I'd argue that it's self-effacin' an' seems counter-intuitive--but we tend to keep addin' lovely fruit to the punchbowl AND enjoy the punch not noticin' that we are oft regarded as the provebial turd IN the punchbowl, our delicious contributions not appreciated....

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The corollary: time for Jews to detach themselves from western culture. Needless to say, though the same work is not as necessary, from Islamic culture, to the extent it exists, as well. Example: Netanyahu might stop saying that Israel is saving the West too, because nothing can save the West.

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