You are correct regarding the bloodlust against Jews from these people but the thing that needs to be understood is why alleged "progressives" side with murderous Jew haters with medieval views of morality. The reason is simple. To the radical left there is only one enemy. That enemy is Western Civilization which they call "White" Civilization. ANY and I mean ANY force that opposes our Civilization is not just their ally but something to be cherished, at times even worshipped. This is how Marxism has joined together with retrogressive Islamism. Israel is of course a bastion of Westernized success in a benighted region. So it is enemy number one to both the Islamists and to their Marxist Western allies. Israel's decency, its bourgeois morality enrages both the murderous Islamists and the Marxist "progressives". The more Israel does for the Palestinians the more psychotic Israel's enemies become. Netanyahu is right. We have the same enemies. But he focused on Iran. The reality is that we have many enemies of the West and our own internal fifth column is by far the most serious.
We don’t see criticism of bloodshed when it isn’t about Israel and Islam because it doesn’t involve a democratic nation. I’m wondering if why we’re seeing such moral myopia from the far left is partly due to the political agenda of what was coined Islamo leftism by Pierre-Andre Taguieff's 2002 book entitled New Judeophobia.
French philosopher Pascal Bruckner has said that Islamo-leftism was chiefly conceived by British Trotskyites of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Understanding the term as the fusion between the atheist Far Left and religious radicalism,Bruckner posited that because those Trotskyites perceive Islam's potential for fomenting societal unrest, they promote tactical, temporary alliances with reactionary Muslim parties. According to Bruckner, leftist adherents of Third-Worldism hope to use Islamism as a battering-ram to bring about the downfall of free-market capitalism and see the sacrifice of individual rights, in particular of women's rights, as an acceptable trade-off in service of the greater goal of destroying capitalism. Bruckner contends that Islamists, for their part, pretend to join the left in its opposition to racism, neocolonialism and globalization as a tactical and temporary means to achieve their true goal of imposing the totalitarian theocracy of Islamist government. It’s Soviet communism gone mad on the left and I wonder how many of these ideologies are even aware of these historical ties.
You’re a Canadian if I understand correctly. Canada has all sorts of legally enshrined speech repression mechanisms ostensibly designed to protect against racism and bigotry. Good post as usual. Canada has recently been the scene of a lot of blatant antisemitism and and antisemitic imagery, yet I’m under the distinct impression that the government has done nothing thus far to stop this type of expression. Am I incorrect?
Because this stuff only goes one way and that’s against any people or movement which is not part of the Leftist intersectional shrunken brain moron movement of hating Western Civilization and anybody thought to be a part of it. The Left and their blather about inclusivity and diversity is just a con game. The end game is always the same - power and money. The end state of every hard Left movement is poverty for the masses, subjugation, fear, and murder, with a fractional elite lording it over everybody else.
Blood libel is nothing new and has taken various forms. One of the antecedents to the formation of the Venice ghetto was the lie that Jews had killed a young boy in the surrounding area to use his blood to bake bread. As you note, the symbolism of the Eucharist is essentially the cannibalism of a Jew in order to unite with Christ. The Catholic doctrine is that it’s more than symbolic, which is novel.
Jews will survive and the Commies will not. That’s what history tells us. Bad ideologies perish. These people are dangerous idiots and they should be treated accordingly.
Hate speech laws are obviously a stopgap. And, yes, Canada has laws, which often (usually) go unenforced. That's a problem. I also have recent personal experience with what you mention. A couple of weeks ago, I was entering an event featuring the amazing Ben Freeman at Hillel at the University of British Columbia and a person in a crowd of thugs carrying Soviet flags shouted at me "You're on the wrong side of history!" How is that for what you call "shrunken brain moron movement"? Hahaha. Can you imagine the lack of irony or self-awareness? Classic!
If a bunch of Commie retards carrying the flag of the USSR isn't retrograde and stupid, I don't know what is. As bad as Putin and the current thugocracy in Russia are, even they recognized that the system was an abject failure, that the Marxist hypothesis and solution does not work.
Canada's laws go unenforced in one direction only. If you're nominally a Conservative and make any noises that the Left doesn't like, they threaten you and prosecute you not infrequently. I'm not in favor of hate speech laws btw. But I am in favor of prosecuting harshly any type of physical intimidation and violence committed in support of political ideology.
You're making progress. I think you're almost there. There is no moral choice but to abandon any attachment to ersatz justice movements and just go for real universal justice and freedom. Everybody matters. You already know that.
"If you're nominally a Conservative and make any noises that the Left doesn't like, they threaten you and prosecute you not infrequently." Yeah, no. Not really. Where is the evidence for this? I mean, sure, I can post on socials "I'll sue you." But I don';t see much evidence of what you're saying. There was the Mclean's magazine Mark Steyn trial a decade or two ago. But your comment isn't really true.
Yes to the suppression of the trucker's protests during COVID with debanking, arrests, suppression of speech, disiniformation about the truckers trying to characterize them as far Right and Nazis, etc.
There was also some neo-nazi guy in the '90s, but that's a one off there.
Give me a break on the truckers. That was not free speech. That was anarchy. Apples and oranges. As for neo-Nazis, there has been close to nothing comparable to the Ernst Zundel on the left. You are making straw dogs. That is not to say that there are not cases where the law should be thrown hard at some of the protestors today (Google Natalie Knight + Langara) but you're making massive false equivalencies.
Anarchy? Not really. Those guys were totally non-violent. I saw multiple videos. I saw no violence except by the government.
NeoNazis and Leftists advocating for destruction of Israel and Jew hatred are pretty much the same.
During COVID and in its aftermath, people critical or questioning of the government mandates were harassed and penalized by various government agencies and proxies, ( Ontario Medical Board), for voicing their opinion, just as in many areas of the United States.
Allegations of a genocide in Bangladesh were rejected by most UN member states at the time and rarely appear in textbooks and academic sources on genocide studies. This tells one everything about the UN. Its oppression of Israel and denial of actual genocides due to its Islamic republic members states. This also is playing into the demonisation of Israel and anti Zionist tropes.
Great post Pat. How are things over there in Canada, almost as bad as in Britain these days or worse? The imagery conjured up of the blood dripping Jew is super toxic mix of shadow projection (=their own shadow people can’t deal with) and simultaneously trying to exorcise these shadows / their own demons they can’t acknowledge over the Jewish back. Yesterday I paid a short visit to ‘Normal Island New’s’, I posted a screenshot of some of her headlines. Proves the points you make brilliantly. Keep at it Pat.
You are correct regarding the bloodlust against Jews from these people but the thing that needs to be understood is why alleged "progressives" side with murderous Jew haters with medieval views of morality. The reason is simple. To the radical left there is only one enemy. That enemy is Western Civilization which they call "White" Civilization. ANY and I mean ANY force that opposes our Civilization is not just their ally but something to be cherished, at times even worshipped. This is how Marxism has joined together with retrogressive Islamism. Israel is of course a bastion of Westernized success in a benighted region. So it is enemy number one to both the Islamists and to their Marxist Western allies. Israel's decency, its bourgeois morality enrages both the murderous Islamists and the Marxist "progressives". The more Israel does for the Palestinians the more psychotic Israel's enemies become. Netanyahu is right. We have the same enemies. But he focused on Iran. The reality is that we have many enemies of the West and our own internal fifth column is by far the most serious.
We don’t see criticism of bloodshed when it isn’t about Israel and Islam because it doesn’t involve a democratic nation. I’m wondering if why we’re seeing such moral myopia from the far left is partly due to the political agenda of what was coined Islamo leftism by Pierre-Andre Taguieff's 2002 book entitled New Judeophobia.
French philosopher Pascal Bruckner has said that Islamo-leftism was chiefly conceived by British Trotskyites of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Understanding the term as the fusion between the atheist Far Left and religious radicalism,Bruckner posited that because those Trotskyites perceive Islam's potential for fomenting societal unrest, they promote tactical, temporary alliances with reactionary Muslim parties. According to Bruckner, leftist adherents of Third-Worldism hope to use Islamism as a battering-ram to bring about the downfall of free-market capitalism and see the sacrifice of individual rights, in particular of women's rights, as an acceptable trade-off in service of the greater goal of destroying capitalism. Bruckner contends that Islamists, for their part, pretend to join the left in its opposition to racism, neocolonialism and globalization as a tactical and temporary means to achieve their true goal of imposing the totalitarian theocracy of Islamist government. It’s Soviet communism gone mad on the left and I wonder how many of these ideologies are even aware of these historical ties.
BAM! Yes, I need to research and write more about this!
Yeah I think these ideologies are the underpinnings of the lefts refusal of Israel, due to its lens of communism using Islam as its battering ram.
I am in awe of how you put the blood symbolism.all together. This is haunting and brilliant
Thank you Kara.
You’re a Canadian if I understand correctly. Canada has all sorts of legally enshrined speech repression mechanisms ostensibly designed to protect against racism and bigotry. Good post as usual. Canada has recently been the scene of a lot of blatant antisemitism and and antisemitic imagery, yet I’m under the distinct impression that the government has done nothing thus far to stop this type of expression. Am I incorrect?
Because this stuff only goes one way and that’s against any people or movement which is not part of the Leftist intersectional shrunken brain moron movement of hating Western Civilization and anybody thought to be a part of it. The Left and their blather about inclusivity and diversity is just a con game. The end game is always the same - power and money. The end state of every hard Left movement is poverty for the masses, subjugation, fear, and murder, with a fractional elite lording it over everybody else.
Blood libel is nothing new and has taken various forms. One of the antecedents to the formation of the Venice ghetto was the lie that Jews had killed a young boy in the surrounding area to use his blood to bake bread. As you note, the symbolism of the Eucharist is essentially the cannibalism of a Jew in order to unite with Christ. The Catholic doctrine is that it’s more than symbolic, which is novel.
Jews will survive and the Commies will not. That’s what history tells us. Bad ideologies perish. These people are dangerous idiots and they should be treated accordingly.
Hate speech laws are obviously a stopgap. And, yes, Canada has laws, which often (usually) go unenforced. That's a problem. I also have recent personal experience with what you mention. A couple of weeks ago, I was entering an event featuring the amazing Ben Freeman at Hillel at the University of British Columbia and a person in a crowd of thugs carrying Soviet flags shouted at me "You're on the wrong side of history!" How is that for what you call "shrunken brain moron movement"? Hahaha. Can you imagine the lack of irony or self-awareness? Classic!
If a bunch of Commie retards carrying the flag of the USSR isn't retrograde and stupid, I don't know what is. As bad as Putin and the current thugocracy in Russia are, even they recognized that the system was an abject failure, that the Marxist hypothesis and solution does not work.
Canada's laws go unenforced in one direction only. If you're nominally a Conservative and make any noises that the Left doesn't like, they threaten you and prosecute you not infrequently. I'm not in favor of hate speech laws btw. But I am in favor of prosecuting harshly any type of physical intimidation and violence committed in support of political ideology.
You're making progress. I think you're almost there. There is no moral choice but to abandon any attachment to ersatz justice movements and just go for real universal justice and freedom. Everybody matters. You already know that.
"If you're nominally a Conservative and make any noises that the Left doesn't like, they threaten you and prosecute you not infrequently." Yeah, no. Not really. Where is the evidence for this? I mean, sure, I can post on socials "I'll sue you." But I don';t see much evidence of what you're saying. There was the Mclean's magazine Mark Steyn trial a decade or two ago. But your comment isn't really true.
Yes to Mark Steyn.
Yes to the suppression of the trucker's protests during COVID with debanking, arrests, suppression of speech, disiniformation about the truckers trying to characterize them as far Right and Nazis, etc.
There was also some neo-nazi guy in the '90s, but that's a one off there.
It never goes the other way.
Give me a break on the truckers. That was not free speech. That was anarchy. Apples and oranges. As for neo-Nazis, there has been close to nothing comparable to the Ernst Zundel on the left. You are making straw dogs. That is not to say that there are not cases where the law should be thrown hard at some of the protestors today (Google Natalie Knight + Langara) but you're making massive false equivalencies.
Anarchy? Not really. Those guys were totally non-violent. I saw multiple videos. I saw no violence except by the government.
NeoNazis and Leftists advocating for destruction of Israel and Jew hatred are pretty much the same.
During COVID and in its aftermath, people critical or questioning of the government mandates were harassed and penalized by various government agencies and proxies, ( Ontario Medical Board), for voicing their opinion, just as in many areas of the United States.
Allegations of a genocide in Bangladesh were rejected by most UN member states at the time and rarely appear in textbooks and academic sources on genocide studies. This tells one everything about the UN. Its oppression of Israel and denial of actual genocides due to its Islamic republic members states. This also is playing into the demonisation of Israel and anti Zionist tropes.
Great post Pat. How are things over there in Canada, almost as bad as in Britain these days or worse? The imagery conjured up of the blood dripping Jew is super toxic mix of shadow projection (=their own shadow people can’t deal with) and simultaneously trying to exorcise these shadows / their own demons they can’t acknowledge over the Jewish back. Yesterday I paid a short visit to ‘Normal Island New’s’, I posted a screenshot of some of her headlines. Proves the points you make brilliantly. Keep at it Pat.
Brilliant, true, and sadly so close to my experience
I’m seeing this too, it’s almost laughable, the colonised colonising the colonised narrative