The fact of the matter is that the "activists" don't really want a complete ceasefire. They want only Israel to cease firing. They're perfectly fine with Hamas/PIJ, etc., if they keep firing, and are probably only disappointed that more Jews aren't dead.

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Yes, their goal seems to be genocide of all Jews worldwide. Because it certainly isn't peace.

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Sounds so simple yet I’ve not heard anyone in the west make the demand of Hamas.

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You would think …

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If the demonstrators have a goal, it is unclear to me what it is. If all Jews outside Israel agreed with them that Israel should be replaced with a country called Palestine and governed by those who currently or in the past have governed Gaza and the West Bank, it would have zero effect on Israel, because the number of Jews worldwide is so small. We don't determine polices in Israel unless we are Israelis. And if I lived in Israel and had a choice between using the nuclear capability which would be suicide but would take our enemies with us, or allowing a group of people who have vowed over and over to kill everyone in Israel (and have shown with their treatment of the Yazidi and Druze that what this means to them is torture killings of everyone but children and young women and, after gang raping them, selling them into sexual slavery, I would vote for mass suicide. So harassing Jews will only accomplish making Jews who preferred living in the West move to Israel, thus increasing the pressure on everyone in Gaza and the West Bank. Conversely, Muslims account for 25% of the world's population, so it would make a lot more sense to pressure them into forcing Hamas and Hezbollah to stop making war on Israel.

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Bring on more martyrs.

Alhamdulillah 🙏

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