Sep 10Liked by Pat Johnson

It reminds me of people who are ostensibly ‘pro-life’, except when it comes to caring for the actual children being born.

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This war was started in 1948 and has continued since. A refugee status for 75 years is criminal, the people need to return to the lands of their ancestors in Syria, Jordan and Egypt. This is no longer Israel’s issue to resolve.

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Sep 10Liked by Pat Johnson

Thanks again for voicing my thoughts clearly.

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Sep 10Liked by Pat Johnson

Amazing piece! Shared it with everyone!

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One of your best! Would you submit it as an op ed to any of our newspapers?

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Thanks Cynthia ... My motivation in starting on Substack was that legacy media usually don't even bother replying to submissions. It was so frustrating. So I decided to just throw it out there on the idea that it was better for 10 people to see it than none -- but I now have more than 1300 subscribers and I've only just begun!!!

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Sep 15Liked by Pat Johnson

I have written more than 50 letters to our local newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald since Oct 7 and not one has been published. I have had my letters on other topics published in the past but not on the Gaza war.

Love your work Pat so keep it up.

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Part of the tragedy of the Arabs in what is called the West Bank and Gaza - a portion of the population whose freedom some people are screaming about- is that they were conquered in 1967 and not 1948.

There is a saying among the Arab citizens of Israel: "The Jewish hell is better than the Arab paradise."

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Spot on Pat - 100%. Let us hope that a Palestian reads your substack and wakes up to warn his co-islamists that the protesters are the real enemy of Palestine. You are so absolutely right. Protesting helps keep the war going which means more dead Palestinians. The war is reaching a Flashpoint - the place where the world pushes Israel into a corner that it cannot get out of. Have they ever seen what a cornered leopard can do when it has nothing left but survival instinct? No need to go on safari, to see one, just push Israel too far. Rivers of blood will flow from both sides BUT Palestinian blood will be 1000 x more than Israeli blood. It is going to be a bloodbath. This is simple math's and probability calculation.

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Couldn’t be clearer than this! Restacking. 🙏🏼

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I always found the phrase “free Palestine” confusing. Freedom from what?

It’s not complicated. If Palestinians stopped doing or supporting terrorism they would be “free “. Of course the “free Palestine” phrase is code for eliminating Israel from existence.

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Great list here. Glad I chose due diligence before shaking hands with devils in frocks.

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