Jul 18Liked by Pat Johnson

This is exactly how I feel about Israel and Canada. Thanks for articulating it so well.

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"From the river to the sea, all Israelis are still free!"

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Another fabulous article. How about “Let Israel Live” as our mantra

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Thanks Cynthia. That’s the best suggestion yet!

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Actually, Palestinians are Sodomites, the true inheritors of the city of Sodom in the Bible, known for their unspeakable cruelty to strangers, whom they would rape and torture, women and men equally. Their end was fire and brimstone, total destruction, leaving behind as a monument the pillar of salt in the shape of the sojourner Lot's wife. Such will be the end of the Palestinians as well, speedily and in our days.

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Love this. Thank you.

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Thank you. I do have to stop screaming to the articles on my iPad “there is no such thing as….”

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Timely message!!

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Pointing out their opposition to coexistences is elemental in our battle, thank you

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