I agree. The tragedy is that human rights organizations could, I believe, have a positive role here but they have no credibility after so many years of one-sided, biased, anti-Israel condemnations.

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Pat - wonderful as always. The reason the useful idiot protesters run away is very simple: They implode when facts ruin their biased narrative.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Pat Johnson

"And since most of my erstwhile friends on the left don’t seem moved to do so — since some of them actually celebrate October 7 and call for more attempted genocide while chanting “End the genocide” — well, I guess it puts a burden on me to speak up and let people know that there is at least one gay, leftwing, non-Jewish activist who can still tell right from wrong, FFS."

I am grateful to you, Pat, for speaking up.

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A great article. From another non-Jewish Zionist. 🤍

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These loathsome cretins are divided into two camps, the profoundly ignorant and the genuinely evil. I used to place AOC in the former. With this comment she moves into the latter along with her fellow Jew haters in the "Squad."

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24 hrs agoLiked by Pat Johnson

Sometimes I don't know what I would do without your work.

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Wow. Thank you.

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Dear Pat,

Bless you. I mean it. I was reading along and then I noticed you mentioned you weren't Jewish and I had to check because by now I've come to the conclusion that the only people who think the Jews are actually human are other Jews. You totally nailed the situation. The barbarity of 10/7 shocked me a little but I didn't expect much from people who say their raison d'être is killing Jews. What shocked me, because I was a progressive before 10/7, is the glee with which the world in general observes Jewish suffering. It's not true they don't care. They totally care. They fricking love it. They dig deep into the tropes that Jews run the world and are the source of all evil on earth, tropes they hold tight in their heart of hearts, and that glee comes from the joy of seeing Evil Incarnate get its due. I really had no idea before 10/7 that I was Evil Incarnate. I had been told by some ex-friends that I was responsible for all evil on the face of the earth and all I could say to them was, gee I'm sorry, I had no idea. Now you show up and actually fight for us. Damn, surely you're being cancelled somewhere. No one stands up for Jews without having to pay for it. And every time I have tried to disabuse the self-righteous of their ignorance they have just shut their ears and screamed GENOCIDE GENOCIDE GENOCIDE!!! So I just want to say thank you, I know you're not the only Righteous Gentile but every time I encounter one I am so fricking grateful I could cry. You make me feel almost human.

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Thank you for your kind words Shelah -- and ugh, I can only imagine what it is like for you right now. You are too right on so many fronts. There are the ones who perpetrate hatred, those who celebrate hatred and the ones who stand around and do nothing. Let's keep lighting candles in the darkness. Thank you again for your message.

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The amazing thing is that this year I met a bunch of converts to Judaism. Like, they had been minding their own business, they had been perfectly safe Christians, and then suddenly when the world decides that Jews are the most hated people on earth, they say to themselves, "Hey that's for me!" I ask them, what were you thinking? and they say, with a fanatical gleam in their eyes (and this is every one of them), "I just love it." At which point I figure, hey they're in their honeymoon phase, don't ruin it for them, don't even ask them to specify what about Judaism they love, let them be happy, and truly there is much to love, but when I think that their progeny forever (if they're women) will be walking targets, I think, wow, what you've taken on!

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I don't care of thse ignorant protestors. I care for the Jews' freedoms, the right to defend themselves and to use any means possible. I applaud the intelligence of making the beepers explode. Israel will always be a winner and I pray for everyone in Israel and all Christians living with the demented terrorists.🤮 Bring them home❤️

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Amen and thank you. Those who support, defend, enable, apologize for, and/or finance rape, torture, mass murder, burning families alive, kidnapping, and terrorism, are disqualified from making any kind of ‘moral’ judgment or defense of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iran. Not to mention the end game of a “free” Palestine, which is zero freedom, sharia, sexism, homophobia, honor killings, blasphemy laws, an Iran like theocracy, and violence and war until the ‘honor of the caliphate’ is restored—at the expense of all non-believers. A list which has included Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, every non-Muslim under the sun, AND Muslims.

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You’re the best writer. It’s so true, no Jewish person with a spine and sense of morality should care what these backward activists say.

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Insightful and witty as usual, Pat

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Nice article and yes, you're spot on. No one gives a hoot what any of these Jew haters have to say. What's more is that the Obama Biden Harris Mideast fitting policy (appeasing and enriching Iran) has directly led to this quagmire. When Jews say never again, we damn well mean never again!

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Dude, you bring it every day, and I truly appreciate/enjoy reading your work. Have a good one

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Thanks Brian!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Pat Johnson

The fact that they’re outraged by the very targeted hits on leaders of Hezbollah gives up all pretext of anything but anti semitism. Pat, you’re an amazing ally. Much gratitude.

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Thanks Abbi.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Pat Johnson

Passionate, eloquent and accurate. Well said.

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I guess the key is to vote every one of those useful idiots out of any elected office.. Cori and Jamaal bit the dust.. so many more to go.. especially Occasional Cortex

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