Another great piece that I wish every leftist would read (they won’t). Though you won’t say it directly, you can’t help but hint at the truth in the introduction, and you practically shout it in your conclusion: leftists *don’t* care about Palestinians’ well-being. That’s not what this is about and it never has been.

Leftists only care about *the Revolution.* They adopt the Palestinian cause because they think it helps them advance *the Revolution* by rallying people against Western capitalism and opposing America, etc. etc. Leftists are happy to sacrifice Palestinians on the altar of *the Revolution.” And because *the Revolution* is the ultimate goal, leftists are also perfectly willing to lie about whatever they need to lie about, and to pretend to believe whatever they need to pretend to believe, all so long as it advances the cause of *the Revolution.*

Leftists don’t hate Israel because of anything Israel has actually done, but because Israel is a potent organizing symbol of “the establishment” that allows leftists to act out their *Revolution* morality play. And leftists need the Palestinians to suffer, because the Palestinians are a potent organizing symbol of the global “oppressed.”

The Palestinians are not interested in *the Revolution.” They’re either nationalists or theocratic lunatic Islamists and if they ever had power as soon as they were done killing Jews the next people they’d put against the wall would be the Leftists - just like during the Iranian Revolution. The smart leftists, the leaders of the organizations out there protesting, are well aware of this and do not care. Because it is all about *the Revolution.*

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Thanks Randall! If I "only hinted" at it in this article, I promise you, I said it loud and clear here: https://pat604johnson.substack.com/p/pro-palestinians-arent

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Yeah, that’s the stuff right there

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Simple answer is NEVER; if Arabs didn’t have Jews to hate, they’d realize they are being robbed and totally played by their political masters. Why do Hamas leaders and PA leaders live in million dollar homes? Must be Israel’s doing!!

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> As Western leftists

I think I found the source of your problems.

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