We have donated for decades $US billions in aid from the whole world to the Palestinians as humanitarian aid. They have never built anything. Just fed the terrorist groups, raised generations of brainwashed kids ready to be terrorists and spread hate and violence everywhere every time. Not a single dime any longer. All they know to do is destroy what others have built. Defund the UN that empowers them.

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Grievance and terrorism is the name of the game.

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Obviously the radical left doesn't care about what you describe here since it is a feature of what they actually want. What is impossible for me to understand is how the establishment can simply ignore this. Surely Anthony Blinken, Thomas Friedman etc. understand the truth of what you write here. Yet they ignore and place the blame on buildings. Why??? I don't believe these Democrats want Israel to be destroyed. I just don't get it. Are they insane?

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Because everything is CRT now. Jews are successful which means they must be white oppressors. The Palestinians never build anything, which means that are oppressed. when you define your morality and self-image around lies, it becomes hard to see truth.

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I believe that they want another holocaust. The USA insisted on the Oslo accords. It’s been a shtshow ever since. If you turn off the volume and just look at the actions of the USA, they are not really the friend of Israel. The Obama administration (carried on by Biden) has enabled Iran. It’s messed up. It’s depressing. Substack sources: Melanie Philips (Gaza hidden war) Francisco Gil White ( war is peace). Fran mussing.

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No that's not correct. The Oslo accords was entirely initiated and created by the Israeli Labor Party. Clinton jumped in at the last minute to get some credit. And I don't think Obama and his successors want another Holocaust. But I do believe they are at heart anti-Zionist and would shed no tears if Israel ceased to exist.

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This is an excellent piece and essential for anyone who thinks a two-state solution is the way to go for Israel to live in peace. It ought to be required reading for our idiotic Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs who only has time to sanction Israelis living in Judea and Samaria, the homeland of the Jewish people. It ought to be required reading for the BC Teachers Federation, for the BC NDP government, for the mindless students setting up encampments on university campuses throughout the country, and for all those virtuous people bemoaning loss of life in Gaza while being war criminals themselves for not holding any Palestinian to account, among whom we can count those horrible Queers Against Israeli Aparthied and the Gay Pride people who allow them to march in their parade. Ignorance of the situation is no excuse.

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You are right in everything you wrote. The barrier to peace is that they don't want peace. To have peace you must have two sides that want it. They have always said clearly they don't want peace. They want to destroy Israel. Israel has always wanted peace and the proof for that is it has signed peace treaties with Arab countries and had even given away land for that.

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Honest question: is “Palestinian” even a thing? Aren’t they all refugees from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon? Their flag was invented by a British Diplomat no??

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Regarding settlements— buildings can be torn down… hate is a different story. Exactly.

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Excellent piece.

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This is an excellent description of the basis to the problem. Looking forward to the next installments.

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Wow! What a ridiculous genocidal Nazi Zionist piece of lies and propaganda

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There is no negotiating with those who will accept nothing less than your complete and utter destruction.

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Amazing article! A couple of very eloquent powerful sentences struck me. And the cohesive pace with evidence is great.

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This may not be a popular opinion here, but the West Bank settlers who attack Palestinians are *also* a barrier to peace. Coming from someone who shares your sentiments almost entirely.

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I highly doubt the Jews living in Judea attack first. They are mostly religious and disdain violence (they don’t want to join the army). But I can see them defending themselves and also retaliating against violence and harassment they face from the Arabs who don’t want to live near Jews. Arabs there resist any “normalization” of relations. This article perfectly illustrates why the Palis are more violent than the Israelis in general. It’s the societal values.

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I have a substack where I translate into Spanish articles that I find interesting, informative, or enlightening. I consider your's to be all three.

May I translate all 3 parts, please?

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This needs to be shared and re stacked until the end if it ever comes

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Great piece...

So without sounding like an evil bloodthirsty warmonger- whats the fix?? With the generations of hate being passed on through the Palestinians, whats Israel to do that will give them security?? Because when you look at things through the perspective of this article- it seems that anything less than bulldozing Gaza and every last occupant into the sea is just a temporary solution. I mean, how can they even root out Hamas, let alone the indoctrinated who might wait years before perpetrating terrorist acts?? This is a difficult problem, because I want Israel to do whatever is needed to be secure and destroy Hamas, while trying to preserve innocent life. But how to do that effectively is a question seemingly without answer. Its the same problem thats plagued the US military since Vietnam, and has led to the idea that we were "beaten" in Iraq and Afghanistan. The reality being that if we hadnt tried to be so careful, and avoid negative stories on the 6 o'clock news, things wouldve been quite different. Unfortunately, war cant be conducted like it was in WWII anymore. Im not convinced thats a good thing...

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It’s why Walid Phares calls it, “jihad genes.”

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