I'm not really sure how you fight a war without death. It is why most western nations try to avoid war at all costs. But it also doesn't mean that we will not fight to defend ourselves. The rules these useful idiots are trying to assign to Israel is what they would assign to every western nation, including the US. Why we even listen to them is the question.

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By now we have reached a point way beyond answering the antisemitic claptrap you rightly point out lies behind these pieties. Israel has to conquer Gaza, flood it with Jews, control the self-described Palestinians for the next century with the status of guest workers, whose children study in Hebrew, with all mosques closed, and a possible modicum of municipal administration. The same scenario will then have to be applied to Judea and Samaria. And the situation in Lebanon with Hizbollah will most likely require full-scale war because diplomacy has failed spectacularly.

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Aside from the fact that the Hamas casualty numbers have been proven to be wildly inflated, this is spot on. And we’re about to start hearing it again - as soon as the war with Lebanon begins in earnest.

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I just came across the expression "suicidal empathy," which to my alleged mind pretty much sums up a disorder that cries out for a spot in the DSM-5.

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Nicely said. People like Schindler’s list Jews. They really don’t like the IDF variety. And call the demonstrators “anti Israel “. They couldn’t find Gaza on a map.

It’s the “ceasefire synagogue “ crowd I find insufferable.

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"Therefore, not one dead Palestinian — the innocent, yes, but also the guilty — is unacceptable."

Did you mean to say "not one dead Palestinian . . . is acceptable"? Or perhaps "even one dead Palestinian . . . is unacceptable"?

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What “therefore”? The only “therefore “ I’ve got going is to avoid cocktail parties. Maybe you are replying to someone else.

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