The history, the present discourse and the future of Jews everywhere dictate this cannot be a war of words. Hamas must be physically removed. Well placed stones can bring a giant down.

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Exactly. When people invoke the David versus Goliath motif, they seem to forget ... David killed Goliath!

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Ultimately a Palestinian state should exist but you are right that this cannot happen soon, for multiple reasons. The more immediate issues would be recognition by Palestinians as a whole of Israel’s right to exist (necessitating, I think it fair to say, the end of Hamas) and some sort of interim status (a UN protectorate?). I’d also remind us of the Costa Rica example: a national policing entity without an army. Successful trust-building over many years is imaginable but people have to want to get there. We put a man on the moon because the appropriate technology for doing so existed but also because everyone involved in going to the moon wanted to get there.

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Brilliantly stated!

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Actually, most of them left on their own and the ones who stayed became citizens. Also, why should they have right of return? What makes them special? Refugees if war around the world resettle — that’s what happens. Nearly a million Jews were expelled from Arab states and they resettled in Israel. Hindus and Muslims were displaced in 1947 during the formation of Pakistan — they resettled they didn’t spend generations claiming to be refugees. Get a grip. Do t start wars and whine when you lose.

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The Palestinians were ethnically cleansed out of their land -no not nonviolently but very violently. Israel refused to accept Resolution 194 - the Right to Return. In 1967 Israel occupied West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem- again very violently. Israel ten proceeded to establish illegal settlements and the settlers also used violence against Palestinians. First Intifada was non violent- Israel responded with massive violence. In 2018 Gazans started a non violent March of Return. Israeli snipers killed and maimed children, disabled people, journalists and medic.

And now you claim that Palestinians need to be non violent in order to get their own state. This is a canonical example of chutzpah.

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You have a highly unconventional definition of the terms "violent" and "nonviolent." In any event, you have effectively reiterated the position I just debunked. Thank you.

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So what you are saying is Israel took those areas after the Arab states started a war and lost — and it was violent because it was a war. And then Israel didn’t give the land back because it had just had to fight a war against people who vowed to destroy it. How cruel! After all, Arab states and empires are known for returning lands after wars and fighting in a kindly manner.

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The Palestinian Refugees were expelled from their lands. Many of them were murdered by the Hagannah. Palestinian women were raped. Since Israel does chest beating on how they accepted the UN partition plan while the Palestinians refused it, it would be good to bear in mind that Israel has rejected both UN Resolution 194 ( under which he Palestinian refugees have the right to go back home and repossess them) and UN Resolution 242 ( under which Palestinians are entitled to their own sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza and a just solution to the refugee issue). The World is aware of Israeli duplicity.

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