If Ta-Nehisi Coates doesn't think it's necessary to educate himself about the conflict and the region's history before he shares his opinions, then hordes of other "progressives" will no doubt apply a similar standard.

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Progressives are the laity of the Free Palestine cult. Their clergy are the antisemitic far-leftists like Coates. They take the intentionally shallow and ignorant crap he writes as The Dogma. Like with every cult, dogma keeps shifting so the laity have to keep on their toes to avoid being ostracized.

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Pat - Great as always but I want to point out two things.

1. This was never about Palestinians at all - you have highlighted already many reasons why this confluence of ignorance and Jew-hate exists.

2. I think it is absolutely critical to keep speaking out and calling out the BS - in any fashion. The silence will kill us all.

That is why I keep writing (and probably you) and why I keep calling people out - even if I am alone.

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I think in very general terms, Israel haters in Europe and the U.S. tend to have even more extremist views than Palestinians themselves. Because a lot of folks outside the Middle East not only don't know basic facts, but they fervently believe wrong information. That allows them to have crazy hateful and extremist views, while Palestinians who at least have some knowledge of the situation are at least a bit more tied to reality.

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Exactly. For many of these activists, Israelis and Palestinians are niot real people, but ideological avatars.

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A sub-substack on stoopidity might not be a bad idea. I appreciate this piece and also the one

from yesterday about the difficulty of defining what a Jew is. (Esp. the jab about England being more of a theocracy than Israel. )This is an often neglected but important point.

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There is one already but the site is so obnoxious and boring that I am not going to glorify it by naming it.

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TBF, the Dead Sea *sounds* like a more fatal place to get pushed into (even if it isn’t).

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Perfectly stated. Thank you.

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❤️😅😅 Excellent writing, but ultimately sad and maddening. Ah....

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Brilliant summary. Ignorance is bliss indeed.

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It's tough to know anything or think critically by endlessly scrolling across all social media platforms.

There's a couple of relevant Provergs:

18:2 says, “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.”

And 14:7 reminds us, “Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips.”

'Nuff said.

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Utter drivel! You want to have a proper debate? Let's start with why Israelis want the right to sodomise Palestinians.

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And here we have the level of intellect we are up against. Point proven.

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Really? Fact proven? So IDF soldiers did not sodomise a Palestinian? And people in Israel did not demand that the accused be left alone? You have offered nothing but utter drivel. Now come up with some actual arguments that explain why Israelis want the right to sodomise a prisoner.

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Hold on, we're missing the point. Must humans function totally on an amigdala level. They don't think and they don't want to think and they actually run the danger of being socially ostracized if they do think. So they're not going to read. We are taught to be incurious from earliest childhood, and only a few intrepid, obstinate fools learn critical thinking skills, which actually hurt them in their working careers and limit their advancement and incomes. It is dangerous to be curious, you might lose your family, you might lose your friends, your community, you might have violent consequences. Even our college students know that the way to the A is to parrot back what your teacher tells you, to take on the opinions you're told to have. The Russian psy-op techniques that these pro-Hamas protestors have undergone know this and that is why they operate solely on an emotional level. We Jews try to reason. We like facts and proof. To the man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, and to a Jew, every problem looks like it can be reasoned.

We have to be better at manipulating people on a totally emotional level that does not require thought, because that is what our enemies do. Relying solely on reason, we bring penknives to a gunfight.

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I realize the sarcasm but unfortunately, it rings true. Today I discussed Nellie’s chapter on transgender. It is quite fascinating how “compassionate “ these people are… one who brought up critical objections is from Argentina, and a few made faces behind her back when she spoke.

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“But it does seem dispiriting to witness the profound ignorance at the heart of the anti-Israel movement.” Why feel dispirited at the ignorance of anti-Israel screamers? Dispiriting suggests some degree of sympathy. They do not deserve sympathy. They are a pathetic bunch who wear ignorance and denial as a badge of honour.

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It isn't really a matter of the books. It's Facebook and Twitter, 4chan as,well more than likely. They call it emotional contagion and use it to sell products, in this case, they are using it to sell Islamism.

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Fascist tactics and techniques employed by Islamo-fascist supporters.

Should we expect any other behavior?

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An important post sullied by misogyny. It’s not okay to call any woman a “skank,” even one you vehemently dislike.

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You are correct. Would you believe I actually researched to see if that term was misogynistic and my cursory review indicated it was non-gender specific. Further research after your comment indicates I was wrong. I apologize and am editing it on the link. Thank you for reading and for your comment.

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Now of course I want to know the etymology of "skank." When I was in high school, a favorite pejorative term for girls was "scag." Which seemed close to "slut." Haven't heard that for a while and wonder if there is a relation between it and "skank."

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