Succinct and you pull no punches. In a way, the perfidy of the west is worse than the barbarity of the Islamists because although it wants our death and destruction just as much, it's dishonest about it, and dishonest to itself about it. Thank you for calling a spade a spade. You're a treasure.

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Absolutely LOVE this powerful response. Thank you.

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Thank you Pat.

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That was an excellent article. Thank you Pat.

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Excellent - keep writing!

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No I disagree that the UN has its uses. And it cannot be fixed. No organization dominated by tyrants and vipers can be relied on at all. It should be abolished and replaced by an organization of free states led by the United States. This organization can do the limited good work the UN currently does without the tyrants and vipers using it to try to destroy Israel.

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The UN is done and should be completely dismantled .

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Macron knows all of that. But he failed to cope with his overboarding Muslim inhabitants, to rein in these sections of the population and either discipline them or put them in prison and/or deport them to their beloved Muslim countries of origin. - - He is now bearing/ acting out the consequences of his failure on the backs of the Jews ("The Jewsalways bear any guilt" as ever before in history) before the right-wing and left-wing radicals he has cultivated do the same. Macron is simply revealing by that he has an extremely lousy character. But left-wing and right-wing radicals are even lousier.

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“Macron’s stupid comments were just more noise in the global dogpiling we hear every time Israel has the audacity to defend itself. Since October 7 last year, these comments have exploded like beepers on Hezbollah belts. They are upsetting to overseas keyboard warriors like me. For Israelis, I suspect, they are just more background noise above the din of howling jihadis and bloodthirsty peace activists marching around the world.”—Vichy France is back.. at least someone is aware of it.

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Interesting how the former colonial power, France springs to the "defence" if its former colonial asset, Lebanon, isn't it? Given that Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel were all cut from the same Anglo-French cloth and divvied-up by the gentlemanly Sykes-Picot lines following WW1, it is strange that only the Jewish State is singled out for "special measures" a hundred plus years later by the likes of Macron - or, should that read Micron? J'Accuse, messieurs, mesdames?

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Quite right. It was theirs to begin with.

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Really (Gen.12:1-3)?! 🤦‍♂️


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There is much to love about France and her beautiful culture and people. Is collaborating with the enemy bred in the bone, though? Shameful, shameful. And today a “UN teacher” was found dead beside sinFULL Sinwar. There’s rot in the pot, for sure. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

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I would remind Presidunce Micron (Microbe?) that France was the only Western Country to openly collaborate with the Nazis. And that it was French police who rounded up Jewish children too young to remember their own names to transport them to the gas chambers. Time for French Jews to leave France to the jihadists. I hope the French Fraud likes living under Sharia law. I’m sure his wife will.

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No one but God.

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