This is the requirement from the UN website on admission as a member state.

"Membership in the Organization, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, “is open to all peace-loving States that accept the obligations contained in the United Nations Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able to carry out these obligations”


The UN doesn't even read or acknowledge its own entry criteria.

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This is why I deeply admire Hillel Neuer and his organization UN Watch, which defines itself as "a non-profit organization dedicated to holding the United Nations accountable to its founding principles."

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I've been following UN watch's work for a while. For those interested they presented to the US congress.


And the UNs response, which as predictable as can be...rubbishing the organisation, and not dealing with the evidence.

"UN Watch — an organization with a deep history of unfounded and politically-driven assertions against the Agency — released a report accusing 22 UNRWA personnel of promoting violence and hate through social media channels."


Of course, the major news outlets didn't report on any of it.

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That summary should read we keep getting busted by them for being vile slime🚫🤡

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Congratulations. Difficult topic. Amazingly well written.

These two paragraphs should be scripted in marble at the European Parliament, the US House of Representatives, and the UN General Assembly:

“Until the world unanimously demands that Palestinians put down their arms and negotiate in good faith, there will be no Palestinian state.

The Palestinians are the only ones who can make peace because they are the only ones making war. The sooner the world and the Palestinians accept this reality, the sooner there will be peace and a Palestinian state. Until then: No peace? No Palestine!”

Nothing more, nothing less. Perfectly explained. As I often say: reality is a bitch! Time to wake up to it!

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Thanks Al!

From your lips to ...

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Read again your second paragraph, highlighted by me above.

It's clear. There can be no peace. They don't want any peace. Their goal is to exterminate Israel, every Jew first, every infidel afterwards. They don't even really care about the Palestinian State, it's all just means to an end. Their nation is the "Ummah". They're playing with an entirely different set of cards, beating the moralists in the West who are trapped in their own rules. But there are no rules for these radicals. There's no democracy. No human Rights. No women's rights. It's all conquest, death and slavery for the infidel. They're telling us so clearly, daily. And yet our brainwashed youth and our hypocrite leaders get trapped in their own games, giving hope to these radicals whose goal is to exterminate our Western civilization.

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The parallels to Marxism where the point is never the point never rang more true!

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…God’s ears, indeed.

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I found your comment that the “Palestinians never prepared for self- governance” so spot on. It is surely one of the major reasons the West Bank and Gaza are such a mess. First, there were no such people as Palestinians until the mid 1960’s. How can you prepare to self govern when you do not know who you are. I remember one former terrorist writing that one day he was Jordanian, the next day he was Palestinian.

“No peace? No Palestine!” Let’s make it a chant and a t- shirt

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in Judea and Sumeria there's about a dozen Arab clans and they don't intermarry. Same in Gaza, when the judeans came to Gaza in 06, they got murdered, let's pretend to revitalize that combined group while ignoring Jordan which sliced off 80% of the land meant for the Jews and gave it to a Saudi cousin of Muhammad who killed 25,000 phallustinians in 1970 to show even more Arab unity..

Ain't it odd this ongoing farce in our face?

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Spot on. (I just subscribed.) ... I have a pet theory that the U.N. considers Israel to be its bastard child -- conceived in the heat of passion after WWII, but now an embarrassment. Israel is also a living reminder that the redemption of the world is far too big a job for the U.N.


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The world is mostly run by low quality people. There is no moral imperative to hand over power to terrorists. As you say, multiple attempts in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire have been made to partition the land and create a diplomatic foundation for peace and coexistence as neighboring states. The Arabs of “Palestine” and some of their sponsors (like Iran and Qatar) will not accept a Jewish state in their midst, regardless of how small it is. That’s the beginning and the end of it. So there will be more war. Europe and its diplomats can go fuck themselves, and so can the phonies in the State Department who are playing a game of sleight of hand (very poorly) to appear to be supporting Israel while actually protecting Hamas and kowtowing to the anti-Western Iranian theofascists.

Israel will finish Hamas. And they will deal with Hezbollah. They have no choice. Civilization is a thin veneer, and we are seeing the ugly layer of Jew hatred underneath. Sure, it’s dressed up as humanitarian concern, but it’s all in one direction and ignores every other refugee crisis, mass human rights abuses, and various active conflicts because Jews aren’t in the middle of those.

These political decisions have nothing to do with right and wrong. It’s all about advancing the Iranian-US security arrangement in the ME.

How the imbeciles who dreamt this disaster up have jobs is beyond me, but I don’t make the rules. The Iranians and other Islamists would like to blow America to smithereens, but Obama through his mannequin Joe Biden is doing everything he can to strengthen them.

The world is in a dangerous place right now because of a string of mismanaged opportunities by Western governments. None of this is accidental. There is a malign agenda and acquiescence to it. Won’t end well.

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The Middle East was unsettled before I was born in 1971, and I do not expect to see true peace there within my lifetime. The long and ongoing refusal among Israel’s detractors to tolerate Israel within any boundaries is the crux of the issue.

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Thanks Daniel ... yes, I am older than you but not more optimistic. If the Palestinian leaders began teaching their children peace and coexistence today, we might have peace in a generation or two. But that work has not begun.

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New perspective, at least to

me; rings true; great read! Revenge is a drink best served with foam

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Thanks David!

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Thank you for this article.

I suggest people focus on asking the question ‘Why isn’t there a Palestinian State already?’

Creation of an independent India and Pakistan the year before, in 1947, was achieved despite conflict between both sides which dwarfed anything occurring at the same time in the Palestine Mandate. But India and Pakistan were serious entities prepared to compromise for the sake of their peoples’ futures.

The following year in 1948 it should have been a doddle to create Palestine side by side with Israel. Messy? Yes, of course, but that that such a thing was possible was clearly demonstrated the year before.

Their lack of seriousness about creating a Palestinian State is the reason why when after the Arabs failed to destroy by Israel by warfare in 1948/49 they didn’t seek to create one in the parts of the former Mandate then not Israel.

That the PLO when formed in 1964 fought against Israel, which they were never going to have, rather than their neighbouring overlords then occupying Gaza and the West Bank also speaks volumes and should inform everyone (especially the young and anyone new to the topic) that the objective has never been Palestinian liberation. rather the destruction of Israel.

This conflict is like a stick of confectionary rock bought at the seaside - only instead of it containing the words ‘I love Brighton’ running through from end to end this stick says ‘From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Jew Free’.

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Excellent piece!

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Good advice. Especially since no Palestinian state will ever emerge west of the Jordan river. But hardship for sodomite Palestinians is coming down the tubes courtesy of their backers.

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Erm, that took a turn I didn't foresee.

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