One can’t ignore that it was left-wing Israeli leaders like each Yitzchak Rabin and especially Shimon Peres, as well as Yossi Balin, who deluded themselves into this idea that there is a viable two-stage solution. Israel’s declaration of independence called for the cooperation of the surrounding Arab neighbors to help build peace and stability the region. it was a dream that the Arabs would have the same aspirations as the Jews, namely, to build their country and raise their children peacefully.
Time has taught us exactly what you have described. The Oslo accords were signed 1993. In 1994, Yasser Arafat, in a speech in Johannesburg, told anyone who was willing to listen that the Oslo accords was a strategic first step in what would be the dismantling of the state of Israel. He told his audience, “it may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen in your lifetime“ Iin fact there is an anti-Israel organization that calls itself In Our Lifetime.) Unfortunately, the above mentioned left-wing Israeli leaders, and their loyalists politicians, in their self delusion, were not willing to listen.Ordinary Israelis , however, especially during the terror attacks in the 90s and especially during the second intifada saw things differently. Anyillusion of a two solution remaining among Israelis disappeared on October 7. If you talk to those former peace snick Israel now they will tell you why they’re changing their minds “I sobered up.“
Maybe the left leaning leaders of Israel knew they were in a hiding to nothing but had to go through the charade to show willingness - for optical reasons. To have openly called out Arafat and others for their true agenda would have created too many problems for Israel’s allies.
To some degree, you are 100% right, that’s exactly what they were doing. But they also insisted on continuing the process after Arafat made it clear he had no intention of living in peace in long-term. Their biggest sin was that they continued to fool themselves. The leaders of the Western world, including the Clinton administration, played along for their own political self interest. In the famous words of Bill Clinton, “Deny, deny, deny.“ But in this case , it involved self delusion, and denying of the truth.
I have heard it said that Hamas will hold out as long as possible because each new round of negotiations produces improved offerings.
I do wonder if the time is drawing near when Israeli leadership just goes full throttle to destroy Hamas leadership at any cost, leaving the only issue which is to deal with those Israelis whose family members in captivity don’t make it and the international arena - both are off-side now anyway as far as the hardliners in Israel are concerned.
Excellent analysis. I wonder what causes Jews like Ilan Pappe to follow his delusional approach. Saying they are self-hating Jews seems too simplistic even though it is true. Were they abused by a Hebrew teacher? Have Marxist parents? I just don’t get it.
Just like our University students in Australia living under and brought up under the safe umbrella of democracy supporting an ideology that is in no way democratic AND ours female rights back in the wilderness!!
"... after Israeli victories in the Arab-initiated wars of 1948-’49 and 1967, Israel had control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and should have rightfully held the upper hand. The defeated rarely get to set the terms of the peace."
I don't understand why Israel doesn't claim their rightful sovereignty over Gaza, Judea and Samaria and offer any Arabs not willing to live peacefully a ticket to the country of their choice.
I think Israel’s only flaw is to keep playing nice with an enemy that lacks that ability. It’s been proven that not matter that Israel continues to uphold the moral high ground they will be crucified by certain entities. There’s a saying, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. The only time the west, or the so called progressives will root for Israel or the Jews is if they are close to total annihilation - which cannot be allowed to happen. Israel could cure cancer, world hunger and solve the mystery of dark matter and the haters would still find a reason to twist it into something evil. No more pandering to world opinion. Protect your borders, finish Hamas and other extremists proxy and live your lives. Fuck the rest of the world. They abandoned you in your greatest time of need.
Of the current red/ black - IslamoLeft coalition, neither actually want peace or a two-state solution.
The Palestinians don't even want a single Palestinian state. Their dream is to be the tip of the IslamoFascist spear, and the martyrs, who not only bring about the destruction of Israel, but the Anschluss with Jordan as the next step in restoring the caliphate. The peace and negotiation words are just expressions of taqiyya, or the use of purposeful lies to achieve these apocalyptic ends.
And in the US and the West, the Left aren't interested in a resolution any more than they're interested in solving racism. Because that would put an end to their solipsist power play, thus forfeiting the opportunity to present themselves as (self-deputized) moral authorities--not to mention those who have turned Israelophobia and antisemitism into a profitable cottage industry.
So, in addition to hating on the West, they both agree that the enemy of my enemy is my friend; and that the means to their respective ends--power and authority--is best achieved by keeping the Arabs in immiseration by any means necessary for as long as necessary.
Exactly . “Palestinians” is the overall cover for the terrorists . The terrorists are Muslim Brotherhood offshoots , being the middle east continuation of the Nazis , the nomenclature promoted originally in the 1960s by the KGB .
The solution is the two state solution : Israel and Jordan . Destroy Hamas , Hezbollah etc ; neutralise Iran and IRGC resources in Lebanon , Syria and Iraq ; disband UNRWA ; confirm Israeli sovereignty over Gaza Golan Judea and Samaria ; offer the liberated south syrian arabs the alternatives - swear allegiance to Israel and get residency and work permission there OR move to Jordan . This is the solution the west and Israel should be working towards .
Peter Beinart advocated for a one state solution before October 7. I wonder what he is saying now. A one state solution is suicide. It always was. Hard to understand how anyone ever justified that.
Brilliant analysis of critical historical events that have been sanitized or forgotten. This perfect sentence in your piece says everything: “Palestinianism is a movement for the destruction of Israel.”
Of course, once we lose our collective standards, that destroys our ability to defend ourselves (the USA) and maintain our society. It does not only affect Israel.
When I came to this section of the essay, and remembered it exactly this way, I felt this odd sense of vindication. “Yes,” I thought, “this is exactly how I remember it. So why does almost no one else?” — [“The peace process ended because the Palestinians demanded all of Palestine — and all of Israel. To paper over this fact, it is necessary to recast Israel’s offer — 97% of the West Bank, all of Gaza, territorial tradeoffs to compensate for the 3% of the West Bank Israel would retain and $300 billion in “symbolic” recompense for the “right of return” of refugees — as a Zionist land grab.]
The monster of the last century (Yasser Arafat),. He institutionalised the indoctrination programme of Judean society, to one of militant Islam, destructive nationalism and Militant Islam.
One can’t ignore that it was left-wing Israeli leaders like each Yitzchak Rabin and especially Shimon Peres, as well as Yossi Balin, who deluded themselves into this idea that there is a viable two-stage solution. Israel’s declaration of independence called for the cooperation of the surrounding Arab neighbors to help build peace and stability the region. it was a dream that the Arabs would have the same aspirations as the Jews, namely, to build their country and raise their children peacefully.
Time has taught us exactly what you have described. The Oslo accords were signed 1993. In 1994, Yasser Arafat, in a speech in Johannesburg, told anyone who was willing to listen that the Oslo accords was a strategic first step in what would be the dismantling of the state of Israel. He told his audience, “it may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen in your lifetime“ Iin fact there is an anti-Israel organization that calls itself In Our Lifetime.) Unfortunately, the above mentioned left-wing Israeli leaders, and their loyalists politicians, in their self delusion, were not willing to listen.Ordinary Israelis , however, especially during the terror attacks in the 90s and especially during the second intifada saw things differently. Anyillusion of a two solution remaining among Israelis disappeared on October 7. If you talk to those former peace snick Israel now they will tell you why they’re changing their minds “I sobered up.“
Maybe the left leaning leaders of Israel knew they were in a hiding to nothing but had to go through the charade to show willingness - for optical reasons. To have openly called out Arafat and others for their true agenda would have created too many problems for Israel’s allies.
I don’t know - just saying.
To some degree, you are 100% right, that’s exactly what they were doing. But they also insisted on continuing the process after Arafat made it clear he had no intention of living in peace in long-term. Their biggest sin was that they continued to fool themselves. The leaders of the Western world, including the Clinton administration, played along for their own political self interest. In the famous words of Bill Clinton, “Deny, deny, deny.“ But in this case , it involved self delusion, and denying of the truth.
I have heard it said that Hamas will hold out as long as possible because each new round of negotiations produces improved offerings.
I do wonder if the time is drawing near when Israeli leadership just goes full throttle to destroy Hamas leadership at any cost, leaving the only issue which is to deal with those Israelis whose family members in captivity don’t make it and the international arena - both are off-side now anyway as far as the hardliners in Israel are concerned.
Excellent analysis. I wonder what causes Jews like Ilan Pappe to follow his delusional approach. Saying they are self-hating Jews seems too simplistic even though it is true. Were they abused by a Hebrew teacher? Have Marxist parents? I just don’t get it.
Thanks Dena. It is reasonable that you don't get it. It is irrational. Reasonable people are not supposed to get it.
True, and very disconcerting when progressive gentiles weaponize the views of “Jews” like Pappe, Max Blumenthal, Gabor Mate and their ilk.
Just like our University students in Australia living under and brought up under the safe umbrella of democracy supporting an ideology that is in no way democratic AND ours female rights back in the wilderness!!
NY Times today FINALLY had an article about how Hamas brutalizes the Palestinian people and their plight as human "shields."
"... after Israeli victories in the Arab-initiated wars of 1948-’49 and 1967, Israel had control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and should have rightfully held the upper hand. The defeated rarely get to set the terms of the peace."
I don't understand why Israel doesn't claim their rightful sovereignty over Gaza, Judea and Samaria and offer any Arabs not willing to live peacefully a ticket to the country of their choice.
I think Israel’s only flaw is to keep playing nice with an enemy that lacks that ability. It’s been proven that not matter that Israel continues to uphold the moral high ground they will be crucified by certain entities. There’s a saying, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. The only time the west, or the so called progressives will root for Israel or the Jews is if they are close to total annihilation - which cannot be allowed to happen. Israel could cure cancer, world hunger and solve the mystery of dark matter and the haters would still find a reason to twist it into something evil. No more pandering to world opinion. Protect your borders, finish Hamas and other extremists proxy and live your lives. Fuck the rest of the world. They abandoned you in your greatest time of need.
Of the current red/ black - IslamoLeft coalition, neither actually want peace or a two-state solution.
The Palestinians don't even want a single Palestinian state. Their dream is to be the tip of the IslamoFascist spear, and the martyrs, who not only bring about the destruction of Israel, but the Anschluss with Jordan as the next step in restoring the caliphate. The peace and negotiation words are just expressions of taqiyya, or the use of purposeful lies to achieve these apocalyptic ends.
And in the US and the West, the Left aren't interested in a resolution any more than they're interested in solving racism. Because that would put an end to their solipsist power play, thus forfeiting the opportunity to present themselves as (self-deputized) moral authorities--not to mention those who have turned Israelophobia and antisemitism into a profitable cottage industry.
So, in addition to hating on the West, they both agree that the enemy of my enemy is my friend; and that the means to their respective ends--power and authority--is best achieved by keeping the Arabs in immiseration by any means necessary for as long as necessary.
Exactly . “Palestinians” is the overall cover for the terrorists . The terrorists are Muslim Brotherhood offshoots , being the middle east continuation of the Nazis , the nomenclature promoted originally in the 1960s by the KGB .
The solution is the two state solution : Israel and Jordan . Destroy Hamas , Hezbollah etc ; neutralise Iran and IRGC resources in Lebanon , Syria and Iraq ; disband UNRWA ; confirm Israeli sovereignty over Gaza Golan Judea and Samaria ; offer the liberated south syrian arabs the alternatives - swear allegiance to Israel and get residency and work permission there OR move to Jordan . This is the solution the west and Israel should be working towards .
Chapeau Pat. The West has had their understanding of the Middle East conflict arse backwards for too long. Time to sober up.
Peter Beinart advocated for a one state solution before October 7. I wonder what he is saying now. A one state solution is suicide. It always was. Hard to understand how anyone ever justified that.
Brilliant analysis of critical historical events that have been sanitized or forgotten. This perfect sentence in your piece says everything: “Palestinianism is a movement for the destruction of Israel.”
Of course, once we lose our collective standards, that destroys our ability to defend ourselves (the USA) and maintain our society. It does not only affect Israel.
When I came to this section of the essay, and remembered it exactly this way, I felt this odd sense of vindication. “Yes,” I thought, “this is exactly how I remember it. So why does almost no one else?” — [“The peace process ended because the Palestinians demanded all of Palestine — and all of Israel. To paper over this fact, it is necessary to recast Israel’s offer — 97% of the West Bank, all of Gaza, territorial tradeoffs to compensate for the 3% of the West Bank Israel would retain and $300 billion in “symbolic” recompense for the “right of return” of refugees — as a Zionist land grab.]
Why doesn't everyone else? Good question. Mass delusion. Willfull ignorance. Blatant hatred of facts?
Well said.
The monster of the last century (Yasser Arafat),. He institutionalised the indoctrination programme of Judean society, to one of militant Islam, destructive nationalism and Militant Islam.
An aberration of Arab upbringing.