Pat I am regularly amazed at how you understand and write about such nuanced reality. Thank-you so much for your courage and clarity. You and Douglas Murray!😊🇮🇱

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Searing insight. All that I can add is, owing to its deep entrenchment in the lexicon, we are unlikely to trade-in Wilhelm Marr’s term for for Jew-hatred anytime soon, but ‘Judeophobia’ is really a more accurate term than ‘anti-Semitism’ because at the root of everything and everyone that hates us is a FEAR that is so unique and so deep, its negative energy could probably power a solar system. This is the mentally deranging and soul-consuming fear that the Jews and Judaism are right. Right about what? Virtually everything. And the hater especially fears what that means for them. The even fear, subconsciously, that by hating the Jews they are taking on God himself. So they try to escape that by trying eliminate the source of that fear. And around it goes, where it stops everyone knows.

Every time Jews win…on the battlefield, in business, in the arts, the public square…that fear jumps higher. The ultimate Judeophobia booster, this one of megaton proportions, occurred in 1948 when for the first time in recorded human history, and against all imaginable odds and opposition, a people not only recaptured their lost aboriginal homeland but…wait for it…that very recapture was all foretold in that people’s founding scriptures written three millenia before and that at least one-third of the world was familiar with and had copies of this very recapture prophecy on their bedside tables! It should be no surprise that the haters then panicked about us on a scale never seen before or since. when our sovereignty in our homeland was reconstituted and been a meteoric success rising exponentially im just 75 years on every measure all while facing a ferocious opposition that no other nation in history has ever faced.

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So many great points. Thanks YbA!

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Utterly brilliant as always.

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Pat, I’ve lived as a Jew for 80 years and you have helped me see and understand so much. Thank you. And please consider writing a book!

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Thank you Mike. I apprecaite your kindness.

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Excellent article and really pleased to know I'm considered mentally healthy for although I was able to follow along, I am still flabbergasted by witnessing a tsunami of antisemitism play out IRL in 2024.

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Fantastic. Thank you.

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A truly excellent analysis, thank you.

“Antisemitism“ is a term to let go, I think, notwithstanding the supremely important IHRA Definition work on antisemitism.

The haters say they are not “anti-“ Jews (or anything else for that matter). And they also say that Arabs are also Semites, so how on earth can they be “antisemitic“?

"Judeophobia"? Nope. Too similar to, and open to accusations of appropriating of, the term “Islamophobia“. Yes, many haters of Jews may have phobias about Jews. But psychoanalyzing the irrational, obsessive, compulsive and ever-mutating phenomenon of Jew hatred is unnecessary, I think.

In my view, this awful sydrome is best called exactly what it is, namely “Jew hatred“. Antisemitism, anti-Zionism, anti-Judaism are all subset phenomena, but fundamentally they are all ancient, old-fashioned and utterly irrational Jew hatred.

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I just finished a book that turned everything I knew about antisemitism on its head and made me understand Judaism and history in a completely different light. Read it, it's wonderful. Raphael Shore's _Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Jew_. (https://www.amazon.com/Whos-Afraid-Big-Bad-Jew/dp/1957466103/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3VBJ6SKGUPNG5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YOe6RezAPgfm04_n7tY9dA.rNIOchvuaEvAJoovvuCPWfN2926FWPZqPB0uwE2HGww&dib_tag=se&keywords=rabbi+raphael+shore+books&qid=1733660351&sprefix=raphael+shore%2Caps%2C263&sr=8-1)

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Thanks Shelah! I've just bought it and thank you for the recommendation!

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