It is not racist to acknowledge that the Palestinian National Movement is entirely one hundred percent dedicated to the debasement and slaughter of the Jews, those of Israel in particular and all Jews in general. It is the truth. The truth can never be racist. It is at the heart and the root of what it means to suppoort Palestinian nationalism as it exists today. That is not to say every individual is guilty of this. But there is NO question that this is what Palestinianism stands for as surely as being American stands for supporting the American Constitution. As has been noted before, there is no national movement in modern history LESS deserving of support than this death cult.

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Sep 2Liked by Pat Johnson

I love reading your work. Thank you for pulling all these disparate threads together so cogently.

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I couldn't agree more.

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You should publish this in the national Post. Very important message.

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Thank you David. In fact, the reason I started my Substack was because of the limitations of legacy media -- including the most basic willingness to even review submitted op-eds. I concluded that I'd rather have a few dozen people read my work than none at all -- and just today I surpassed 1000 subscribers.

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Fantastic Pat. Congrats. You are a gem amongst the writers.

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Hahaha! Thanks Pebbles!

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Mind boggling. These people are consumed by hatred. Possibly to the point where they are beyond any redemption.

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I am literally trying not to be afraid of some of my personal (former) friends and family. I think that they would not care at all if I had been r*ped or m*rdered by someone (depending on who that person was). A terrifying thought. It is difficult to trust people even more now.

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Very good article. Thank you. I think we need to stop separating Hamas from Palestinians. Until Palestinians distance themselves from jihadist ideology or simply say nothing, we need to assume they are the same.

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Yes. Where are the Muslims in Canada / Australia / UK who believe in Islam as a religion of peace? Where are their voices? Where is the outcry?

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They are screaming Islamophobia

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Oh yes of course. Duuuh!

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I can’t imagine any path to understanding these people and what they did. Pure evil is being approved of.

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