Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Pat Johnson

I don't know why you think Greta is particularly smart. Hawking? Definitely. I agree with your title -- that some smart people go stupid when it comes to Israel.

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Greta and other environmentalists have been conspicuously silent about the oil spills thanks to the Houthis and thousands of hectares of forest land burned by Hezbollah rockets. But as you point out, logic is not her forte.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 8

Pat, this is one of your best. How stupid, when the world is literally on fire, to reject interaction with Israel, the only country on earth to enter the 21st. Century with a net gain in forestation. A country whose desalination system produces more potable water than it needs. The originator of drip irrigation which made the desert a source of enough fruit, vegetables and flowers to support a thriving export industry. The boycotters are cheating all of us.

UPDATE: OOPS! I corrected a spelling error, and now all of my 14 'likes' have disappeared!

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Sep 5Liked by Pat Johnson

This post makes me incredibly sad. I was a fan of Greta's a few years back. She was (like me) an autistic person and dedicated to her cause. But as an autistic Jew who supports the existence of Israel (quite a low bar, for sure), I am disgusted by her support for the BDS movement. No longer a hero of mine.

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Greta was a manufactured poster child for a large lobby of compromised NGOs and corporate for profits playing green… that do not really care about the core issue but about self-sustaining a waterfall of money into their own laps and advancing the elitism vs general populace divide.

Her manufacturing was detailed years ago in a book by Cory Morningstar (NB / disclaimer: CM goes a lot further with her work into the Great Reset etc, and people may be uncomfortable with that, but her work on GT is very good.)

In short Pat: Greta was never who you thought she was to begin with.

And even without Cory’s book, this was pretty obvious… why?

She never offered a solution. She never engaged in the real work.

Not.one.solution.for.any.which.environmental.problem. Ever. Whilst she was shouting about on the streets, fostering anger but little else, a Dutch guy went ahead and build the Ocean Clean Up project, which has quietly been doing the real work.

That is the biggest give away how the public is being played and how infiltrated and orchestrated these movements are.

Greta successfully managed to grow a huge number of followers, who do exactly as she does: marinate in anger, marinate in division, marinate in projection and low-consciousness emotions that keep everyone stuck exactly where they are… and don’t change a single thing.

It’s exactly what the pro-Palestinian movement is about: reenforcing a dead end, diverting people away from a growth in consciousness that has accountability, self-responsibility, dedicated action and questioning / expansion at its core.

That’s why she is the new poster child for the pro-Palestinian movement. No solution. Only diverting attention away from much greater crimes committed everywhere else.

It should further be noted that the Greater Arab Collective also doesn’t give the faintest of fucks about the environment. Never have… Their understanding of nature is as backwards as it gets. Leave alone preservation, conservation. If Greta cared, she would know and confront this very uncomfortable reality.

Case in point: a dear Israeli friend who works for a water NGO in Israel, a Leftist at his core, whose fuse with the Arabs / PALs blew not too long ago because they just wouldn’t do anything, not participate in anything, not make any effort whatsoever. Instead, he now collaborates with the settlers re water and environment, a faction of Israeli society he actually despises. But they care about nature.

That’s why my fuses blow when people such as Ms Melba Toast serve me simplicity in buckets when it comes to the Middle East.

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You mention compromised NGOs. This is an excellent, short read on the subject.


I came across this article from a post on Substack but I can't recall the source. It will likely open as a PDF document.

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Yes I am the one who uploaded it 🤗

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Sep 5Liked by Pat Johnson

Ah, thank you. Really good read, and profoundly disturbing.

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Sep 5Liked by Pat Johnson

Greta Thunberg is a petulant, attention-seeking child. That's how I've always seen her. Attention to the environmental cause has been displaced, along with other issues, by the Israel-Hamas conflict. So now, an anti-Israel protest is where you'll find Greta. I'm pleased to see her being pretty much ignored in that setting. They're all seeking the limelight, and she's crimping their style.

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Yes, there are a lot of people in that movement who didn't get enough attention at home.

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And who says or thinks Greta is an example of a smart person. Nothing could be further from the truth! She blindly follows the woke, DEI, oppressor/opressed, settler/colonialism agenda. She is nothing more than a stupid lemming marching off the cliff to her death.

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Please don’t vilify the entire DEI principles because of those misinformed extremists. Woke means to be aware of discrimination, and DEI is a framework that in part aims to address said discrimination. Like any other frameworks, it can be corrupted and distorted.

I believe in DEI that is inclusive of Jews and Israelis. That is a why as a queer person I went to Israel in June 2024: https://open.substack.com/pub/davysabourin/p/queer-solidarity-is-universal.

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There are a lot more reasons why an academic boycott of Israel is counterproductive too. Hebrew University in particular has a whole explanation of how they include Palestinian students and a boycott against them harms Palestinians in particular. More generally, anything that cuts off interaction between peoples is likely to be counterproductive towards change or peace.

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I’ve never admired tantrum-throwing and thence-revered Greta. She has no solutions, only hissy-fits and an inflated (thanks to mindless validation and attention from the UN and governments - as if no one ever had raised the very same issues as she) sense of importance.

Her stance on Israel/Palestine is equally asinine and aligned with thousands of anti-Semitic and genocide-supporting, shallow-thinkers who refuse to see two sides to any complex issue and automatically adopt the “anti-colonialist/anti-white” stance.

If we don’t stand up for ourselves and for other western and non-Muslim communities and nations, our identities will be erased and buried under sharia dominance.

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Greta & climate change are both bogus and mean nothing to me. I am sorry that you have been taken in by the climate alarmists.

More CO2 is good for plants = more food for people; plants grow better when it is warmer = more food for people.

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You may be right about Thunberg but you are dead wrong about climate change.

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Climate is constantly changing, human activity has nothing to do with it; sunspots, other solar phenomena, how close the earth is to the sun, the orbit is elliptical, and shifts some, volcanic eruptions occur from time to time and a big one happened underwater about a year ago releasing a huge amount of water vapor into the atmosphere affecting the climate.

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Ugh. This again? How ridiculous.

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You are ignorant. Answer me this: why is Greenland called Greenland?

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And the earth is flat, right?

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So good. So true.

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Given Greta's position on academic boycotting, should I assume she also opposed the recent polio vaccinations in the Strip that used technology discovered by Jonas Salk?

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One expects more of the intelligentsia than those they feel are inferior, but they usually embody values worse than the people they look down on.

Greta, when she started, was a child. She should be allowed to speak but her lack of life experience demanded that her words be given appropriate weight.

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GT is a professional protester. She is not capable of doing anything else. Ego driven, she makes zero contribution to this world. She does not write, she has no original ideas, and I can’t believe that I am even wasting my time writing this.

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Greta Thurnberg is an uneducated imbecile who evil adults took advantage of when she was a child and made her famous. It is rich that an uneducated moron like her would call for an "academic boycott."

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Add on: I do not know where Cory Morningstar stands on IL-PAL conflict. I read some of her work years ago, but I stopped there. She may well be an ardent pro-PAL gal and accuse IL of all things evil, who knows. Few people know about the number of environmental groups doing ground work up in Israel, and how f()&& hard it is.

If anything it would prove my point about things being complex, people being right about one thing and totally uninformed about another. It’s a messy state of affairs everywhere.

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